From a female LIB reader
I am 18 years old and in my second year in a private university. I started having sex when I turned 16 after leaving secondary school and I have had four sexual partners so far. I dated 2 of the boys while the other 2 were just flings. Recently I confided in a friend the number of men I've been with and I later saw text exchanges between her and another mutual friend of ours laughing at me and criticizing me.
I am 18 years old and in my second year in a private university. I started having sex when I turned 16 after leaving secondary school and I have had four sexual partners so far. I dated 2 of the boys while the other 2 were just flings. Recently I confided in a friend the number of men I've been with and I later saw text exchanges between her and another mutual friend of ours laughing at me and criticizing me.
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