About two weeks ago, a 14 year old teenage girl named Wasila Umaru (pictured above), who was forced into marriage with a 35 year old man, killed the man and three of his friends with rat poison by slipping the poison into their meal during a small wedding party which took place in the northern Ungwar Yansoro village, at Gaya LGA near the city of Kano. (If you missed it, read here)
Wasila now says she regrets killing her husband. The killing happened 17 days after their wedding. Speaking with a Vanguard reporter at Bompai police HQ, Kano, where she is being held, Wasila said;
Wasila now says she regrets killing her husband. The killing happened 17 days after their wedding. Speaking with a Vanguard reporter at Bompai police HQ, Kano, where she is being held, Wasila said;